Contracts for Data Collaboration (C4DC)
- Sub-categories
- Informational Resource Metadata Ontologies
- Started
- 2019
- Founded by
- GovLab at NYU, UN SDSN Thematic Research Network on Data and Statistics (TReNDS), University of Washington and the World Economic Forum
- Current URL
- Goals
- Inform and guide those seeking to establish a data collaborative by developing and making available a shared repository of contractual clauses (taken from existing data sharing agreements) that covers a host of issues, including - the provenance, quality and purpose of data; security and privacy concerns; roles and responsibilities of participants; access provisions, and use limitations; governance mechanisms; and other contextual mechanisms (, 2019).
- Status
- Active
- Sub-categories
- Licensing
- Started
- 2017
- Founded by
- ELDAH (“Ethics and Legality in Digital Arts and Humanities”) is a working group of the Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities DARIAH-EU.
- Current URL
- Goals
- The aim of the CFW is to support humanities researchers within the European Union in obtaining valid consent for data processing in the context of their specific professional activity.
- Sub-categories
- Informational Resource Licensing
- Started
- 2016
- Founded by
- BioMedBridges
- Current URL
- <N/A>
- Goals
- Status
- Develop a query workflow user interface that assesses the types of data being shared and presents results for what restrictions and requirements are applicable (Kuchinke et al., 2016).
- Sub-categories
- Rights
- Started
- 2015
- Founded by
- Harvard’s Dataverse
- Current URL
- Goals
- Develop a system for tagging datasets in repositories by their varying levels of sensitivity and data sharing restrictions (Sweeney, Crosas, & Bar-Sinai, 2015).
ShareDB - A Licensing Model and Ecosystem for Data Sharing
- Sub-categories
- Licensing
- Started
- 2016
- Founded by
- Drexel University’s Metadata Research Center, MIT, Brown University
- Current URL
- Goals
- Facilitate the process of data sharing among industry, academia, and government (Metadata Research Center, 2018). The project has three interconnected components - a licensing framework/generator; a data sharing platform,called ShareDB, to enforce some of the privacy and compliance aspects of the licenses; and robust metadata for the datasets as well as the developed licenses, to communicate data handling and rights specifications in a machine-readable way.
Vivli - Center for Global Clinical Research Data
- Sub-categories
- Licensing Informational resources
- Started
- 2013
- Founded by
- The Multi-Regional Clinical Trials Center of Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard (MRCT Center)
- Current URL
- Goals
- Help researchers share and access data from clinical trials. Serve as a searchable repository for contributors and users, and provides tools, examples, and guidelines that facilitate the creation of data sharing agreements for sensitive and restricted information.